As we know one of our biggest concerns with regards to reelecting Pres. Trump on November 3 of 2020 is voter fraud.
Because I have many years of experience employing computer programmers, and because George Soros has his globalist hands on many of the voting machines, I started thinking about how I would control the reported results of an election regardless of the tally by the voters.
Certainly, we are aware that the news channels have essentially become nothing more than propaganda machines. Most of the news that they report is indeed fake news design to whatever agenda they are attempting to promote at the time.
During the 2018 midterm elections there was several graphics that were displayed on the news channels “in error” prior to election day, while there were other results that were displayed on election day that made absolutely no sense, and couldn’t possibly have an accurate.
Specifically, in Florida the question on the ballot as to whether or not to restore to 1.4 million felons the right to vote passed with a yes vote. This question passed on the same ballot where the Republicans that ran for Senator and Governor also won their races.
This means that while Republicans carried the voting in Florida, they also supposedly voted to restore the voting rights to 1.4 million felons. Now I’ve been a Republican for 40 years and I know many Republicans and I would bet everything I own that there’s absolutely no way that a Republican majority would have voted to restore the voting rights to these felons. For the majority of Republicans who are conservative by nature, the fact that they broke the law, went to prison, cost us a fortune and are apt to repeat would eliminate them from their right to vote as one of the privileges they lose for causing troubles in our society.
However, if I were attempting to influence the elections going forward and I had access through a backdoor channel to do so, which I would have if I was George Soros, I would have made sure that that question made it to the ballot and passed.
At this point, there are now 1.4 million felons that have the right to vote in the next election in Florida. I can tell you from my personal life experience dealing with many, many felons throughout the years that the last thing that they are interested in doing is voting. They’re usually getting their lives together, and they often bounce from place to place. They find it hard to work steadily and they often have continuing ongoing problems that result in their incarceration again and again. In addition, it is extremely rare that you will find the felon that feels that it is his civic duty to vote, and who was willing to register with any government agency where it is not a requirement to do so.
So the million-dollar question is, if the felons for the most part will rarely if ever vote, why is this an issue in the first place?
I think you’ll find this answer shocking.
If I was attempting to affect the next election, here’s what I would instruct my computer programmers to do.
Run the list of the names of the 1.4 million felons against existing databases to eliminate those who have gone back to prison, have moved out of state, or have passed away.
Run 50% of the felons who are in-state and are not in one of the three categories.
Of these felons, register 80% of them as Democrat and 20% as Republican.
Have 75% “vote” in the next election.
Now let’s look at the numbers. If out of the 1.4 million felons there are 1 million that are living in the state, and we register 50% of them, we now have 500,000 names on the voter rolls that we can cast an internal vote for.
Based on the 80% Democrat to 20% Republicans split, this equates to 400,000 eligible Democrat votes and 100,000 eligible Republican votes.
Based on the 75% parameter, this equates to 300,000 “actual” Democrat votes and 75,000 “actual” Republican votes.
A computer programmer can make this happen and literally no time at all!
The net effect of this exercise based on these parameters is a net increase of 225,000 Democrat votes, which should be sufficient to turn Florida blue in the next election!
This is just one state, but depending on how much access programmers working for Soros funded agencies have, I believe without any hesitation that the results that we see posted on the fake news shows are fake graphics with predetermined results.
I think President Trump was elected by a much wider margin than was reported because I think that while computer voter fraud exists they underestimated the amount of votes that President Trump would muster in the 2016 presidential election.
My concern is that they won’t make this mistake in 2020! And it’s not just voter fraud related to felons, but rather that’s just one example. If a city shows that there are 1 million illegals, and they were given driver’s licenses, a programmer can take every one of those names and utilize the same parameters that I outlined even though the majority of illegals will not go to the polls to vote because of numerous factors including language barriers, concerns about being caught, not understanding the voting process, etc. the key for the Democrats in order to further the globalist agenda is simply to maximize the body count so that there is justification for the number of votes that they report.
Just this week Nancy Pelosi said that everyone needs to accept the results of the next election. What I heard as loud as can be from that statement is that they believe they have enough voter fraud control to report bigger numbers then President Trump.
This is why they’re fighting so hard to deny a border crisis. They can’t justify reporting more votes in a district then the number of registered voters because they know now that we are awake, and we are watching. But while we are concerned about duplicate votes, boxes of votes coming in after the election, and people being bussed in from different states, I think we’re missing the big picture which is computer-generated voter fraud.
Look for my next article on voter fraud as we continue to do all that we can to bring awareness to this incredibly dangerous issue because control of America is at stake. You can do your part by sharing this message with the White House and on all social media venues, though we recognize that the censorship has never been more invasive.
I can’t tell you how proud I am to have built,, and to help my fellow patriots in every way possible. This is Rob Raskin Las Vegas signing off…
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