The global reset: Conservatives must now draw a line in the sand and stand their ground
By: Brandon Smith on
Bob Livingston Alerts
There are many millions of Americans today in the post-election environment that feel uneasy about the fate of the country given the rise of a Biden presidency. And though I understand why this tension exists, I want to offer a possible “silver lining” … a different way of looking at the situation:
With Biden in the White House, there is no longer any ambiguity about what conservatives (and some moderates) need to do and need to accomplish. Now we know where we stand, and now the stakes are clear.
With Trump in office, a lot of conservatives and liberty minded people became a little too comfortable to the point that they were inactive. They actually believed the system could be repaired and corruption ended from within without much effort on our part beyond our votes. Trump made many conservatives lazy.
Then there was the Q-anon-sense floating around on the web which also misled some liberty activists into thinking that people much higher placed or “smarter” than us were fighting the good fight behind the scenes and that the globalists would be swept up in a grand 4D chess maneuver. This was a fantasy; it was never going to happen. Finally, everyone knows this, and we can get on with the business of fighting the real battles ahead.
I think we are reaching a stage in the conflict between freedom advocates and collectivist tyrants when many illusions are going to melt away, and all we will be left with is cold hard reality. Now is the time when we find out who is going to stand their ground and fight for what they believe in, and who is going to cower and submit just to save their own skin. Now is the time when we find out who has balls.
The last four years and the election of 2020 have revealed that political solutions are out the window. A lot of conservatives should have known better, but maybe it takes a perceived disaster to shock some people out of their waking dreams. Elections, voting, potential third parties… it’s all Kabuki theater. It’s all a facade to keep up docile and under control.
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